Have you recently invested in implant-supported dentures with Northside Dental Group in Clinton, Mississippi? If so, congratulations! Your smile is sure to look stunning and more natural-looking than ever. However, like all dental prostheses, implant-supported dentures require upkeep and maintenance to ensure they last as long as possible. 

With that in mind, we’ve put together some tips to help you keep your implant-supported dentures looking and working their best. Let’s dive in!

Brush Regularly

Undoubtedly, regular brushing is a cornerstone for preserving the longevity and hygiene of your implant-supported dentures. The prostheses demand a gentle touch, and a soft-bristled brush and a non-abrasive denture cleaner are imperative to prevent any potential damage. However, the care extends beyond the dentures to encompass your natural teeth and gums. Adhering to a consistent brushing routine, ideally twice daily for two minutes each time, is crucial for maintaining oral health. This routine helps prevent bacterial buildup on your natural teeth and contributes to the prevention of gum issues. 

Floss Daily 

Navigating the flossing routine with implant-supported dentures may present a different sensation than natural teeth, but its importance remains paramount. Although the structure involves abutments and prostheses, flossing remains crucial in maintaining optimal oral hygiene. To facilitate this process, a floss threader can be a valuable tool, allowing you to thread the floss between the abutments and the prostheses easily. This meticulous approach ensures you reach the spaces where plaque and debris accumulate, promoting a thorough and effective cleaning routine. 

Watch What You Eat 

Despite the enhanced stability offered by implant-supported dentures compared to traditional ones, exercising caution regarding your dietary choices remains crucial. Certain foods, particularly those with challenging or sticky textures like caramel, nuts, and hard candy, risk damaging or dislodging the implant-supported dentures. To safeguard the integrity of your dental restoration, avoiding such items that may exert excessive force on the dentures is advisable. Instead, opt for a diet of softer foods that are gentler on the prostheses. 

Choosing foods that are easier to chew helps protect your investment in implant-supported dentures and ensures a more comfortable and confident dining experience. By being mindful of your food choices, you can continue to enjoy the stability and functionality of your dentures without compromising their structural integrity.

Treat Your Dentures with Care

Maintaining the longevity and integrity of your implant-supported dentures requires a delicate touch and careful cleaning practices. When cleaning your dentures, handle them with the utmost care to avoid any unintentional bending or stress on the prostheses. It’s crucial to refrain from using abrasive cleaners or harsh chemicals, as these can potentially damage both the prostheses and the abutment connections. Opt for a soft-bristled brush and a non-abrasive denture cleaner, ensuring a gentle yet effective cleaning process. 

By employing these gentle cleaning methods, you safeguard the structural components of your implant-supported dentures and contribute to their overall longevity, allowing you to enjoy a confident and well-maintained smile for years to come. Remember, a cautious approach to cleaning ensures that your investment in oral health stands the test of time.

Regular Dental Check-ups

Regular dental check-ups are pivotal in ensuring your implant-supported dentures’ longevity and optimal function. At each visit, our skilled dental team at Northside Dental Group in Clinton conducts a comprehensive examination to assess the health of your implants, the integrity of the dentures, and the overall condition of your oral tissues. These check-ups allow early detection of any potential issues, allowing for timely intervention and preventive measures. 

Moreover, professional cleanings and adjustments performed during these visits contribute to maintaining the stability of your implant-supported dentures, ensuring a comfortable fit and preventing complications. By prioritizing regular dental check-ups, you safeguard the investment in your oral health and enjoy the confidence that comes with a well-maintained and enduring smile.

Caring For Your Implant-Supported Dentures in Clinton, MS

Taking care of your implant-supported dentures is key to ensuring they last as long as possible. By following these tips, you can keep your dentures looking and working their best, giving you the confidence to smile brightly and live life to the fullest! Schedule your bi-annual check-up today with our excellent dentists, Dr. David Henry and Dr. Stephen Greer, to keep your overall oral health in check.